The ENFP congregation is optimistic, open, friendly, and enthusiastic. It is alert to the possibilities, especially the future possibilities of and in people. There is great satisfaction in helping people. This helping is most successful when it is for a short term and directed toward specific individuals. The programmatic aspect of the congregation’s ministry may be full of great ideas that never happened or were never finished because something more interesting came along. What might be is always more fascinating than what is.

Since people are more important than either programs or buildings, the maintenance of these aspects will be sporadic and inconsistent. Although the focus of the ENFP congregation is on the future, it will not function by long range goals and five year plans. It may envision possibilities for the future, but resists making these plans concrete.

The traditions of worship may be put aside as the ENFP congregation desires a people-oriented experience with intense emotion. Fellowship activities are important, but they must not be overly programmed. Personal evangelism will be embraced. The ENFP congregation will tend to attract people who value freedom. Education will be shaped more by current events and challenges of the Gospel than by a need to have control of Bible facts or church history. While it will support a relationship with a larger church body, it will rebel or resist any denominational authoritarianism. If it senses that it is not affirmed for who it is, it will definitely choose to march to a different drum.

The ENFP congregation is centered in its Harmonizing posture, which is oriented toward giving meaning to who it is. The Harmonizing Spirituality guide the actions that affirm the importance of life together and are lived out in addressing needs and concerns. Authenticity and autonomy are valued. The Harmonizing Spirituality affirms that God is present and personal relationship with God’s people and all of creation. This understanding calls the congregation to focus more on the needs of people than the dictates of the law. Its spirituality is enlivened by new insights and discoveries. It tends to be open and inquisitive. Strict adherence to traditions and religious routines can lead to withdrawal. The orientation of the ENFP value system is toward acceptance, inclusivity, and openness. Diversity is celebrated.  New members are held in equal esteem as founding members. It values flexibility, creativity, and ideas. The ENFP focuses on the relational importance of being together for work, worship, or enjoyment, “who we are together.”


The possibilities will be the primary focus of consideration in problem solving as the ENFP desires an open-ended solution and desires harmony. The congregation may eventually make a decision using a process that focuses primarily on possibilities and secondarily on valuing questions such as “who will be affected” or “how will the congregation be affected”. It prefers to operate more by consensus than by voting, which may disrupt the harmony. The decisions process, therefore, is oriented toward situational ethics. It can be persuasive as it appeals to common values. This congregation will not readily take into account policies and procedures. Its structure is loose and fluid. The facts and details are of little importance in this process, for such would turn the vision more to yesterday. The details may never be adequately considered.